Home Improvement

Protect Your Business: Maintain Your Parking Lot

Risk management is a big part of running any small business. That becomes even more true when you have facilities open to the public, especially in outdoor areas like the parking lot and sidewalks where inclement weather can cause problems. To minimize the risk of an accident on the premises, you need to make sure you’re maintaining the entire site, including the parking lot.

Resealing Asphalt

The first step is to get on a schedule with a company that provides asphalt paving Pennsylvania, so you have experts keeping an eye on the condition of the lot. On average, resealing should be done about every three years due to regular wear on the site. If there’s damage from inclement weather, crashes, or early degradation of the asphalt, then it might need to be done more often. Even if the lot looks good in its third year, the resealing is still necessary to prevent the parking lot from weakening enough to need costly repairs.

Repair and Repaving

When a lot is unmaintained over a long period of time or there is significant damage due to repeated stresses from temperature, weather, or other wear and tear, then it needs repair as well as resealing. In extreme cases, it might even need to be repaved completely to establish a stable, mostly level surface for your customers and staff to park on.

Less intensive repair can be done by patching or by repaving small sections of the lot, but either way, you’ll want to work with local asphalt paving experts. After all, if your expertise were in the asphalt business, your company would be doing the work there. Let the experts handle your lot and advise you on its maintenance so you can focus on your core business.

Budgeting Maintenance

The key to making maintenance affordable is folding it into your regular cash flow budget. Otherwise, off-schedule mainentenance calls are likely to cost more while introducing liability for your business. By contrast, proactive maintenance and repair keeps you protected from foreseeable risks like damage to customers’ vehicles.